How to wear your fedora!

Luxurious. Mysterious. Confident. 3 words that I define when I wear fedoras. Hello readers, in this new post I will be sharing to you my tips on how to wear your fedora. Fedoras are hats that we wear if you are confident enough. A question. (What do I love about fedoras?) — Well it is not just about it's design/headwear but there is something more. Then what I mean about more is what the 3 words that starts this very post. A quote I find very appealing is this "Wearing a hat vs not wearing a hat is the difference between looking adequate and looking your best" So just from the quote, it definitely speaks something about differences between looking adequate and looking your best. So now I have here my tips on how to master your fedora look! Tip #1 : Anything is a bling — This tip means that in choosing your fedora? It definitely is a match to you.. Automatically. Well, I am not saying that you can't choose the fedora that you wa...